Thursday, July 12, 2007

Barbara Boxer Fires at Bush and Misses

In a radio interview today, Senator Barbra Boxer stated that the impeachment of President Bush should be "on the table." Why she feels this way: the advice of John Dean.

For those who do not know, John Dean is believed to be one of the architects of the Watergate Scandal. During the interview, Boxer recounts meeting Dean on a book tour and sharing with Dean her recent discovery that "the administration" had been spying on citizens without a warrant. Dean supposedly responded that absent a justification, that should be impeachable.

Putting aside the potential "justification" of investigating potential threats to the security of the United States, one critical question arises: Why is a United States Senator basing her policy judgments off of the advice of one of histories greatest political sleaze balls? If the Democrats really want the American people to take their fight against the "Culture of Corruption" seriously, perhaps someone should let Senator Boxer know she should be more careful when picking her sources and confidants.

You can listen to the interview yourself here.

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